
Zoe loved her father, so when he asked her for some money to invest on a safe and lucrative project, she gave him the money that he needed without a doubt.
Some weeks later, her father returned home totally drunk. He told her that he had lost all of her money and that they were ruined. Zoe soon found herself taking care of her alcoholic father, and forgetting about her political studies.
Some years later, she decided to start a new life. She had had enough. She left some money that, despite her wantings, her father would spend on whiskey, and moved to the town of Storybrook County.
Since she didn't have enough money to purchase a house, she only bought a property. The piece of land that she was decided to turn into the house of her dreams. She was gonna be the mayor, she would get married, have beautiful babies and stop worrying about her father. Her life was gonna be perfect.


sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Chapter 1.4: Going Serious, New House and Magic

The next day was Sunday, so Zoe decided to ask Jonathan out. He said yes, but that time Zoe chose the place they went to. She had seen a bar while she was coming home from work, and saw many people. She thought that would be a good place to meet new friends and start being a little more sociable.
When they arrived, though, the place was pretty empty. She should have expected. It was a Sunday morning, so people would be sleeping. Still, they didn't leave. Even though the outside wasn't really attractive, the outside was really nice. If they stood, they would have a good time. She was sure about that.

The bar also had a karaoke, and Zoe blushed when she remembered her not so good vocals the other day. Jonathan was probably thinking about the same thing, because he also laughed. They decided to play some pool, and Zoe, showing her good skills, won.

Always wearing her formalwear. I wonder why
When they finished playing (and after trying to get attended on the bar), Zoe decided to take a romantic photo with her boyfriend, since she had been thinking about remodeling her beautiful house. She had been saving almost all of the money that she had earned, but she was already tired of having to sleep outside.

Jonathan asked her if she could go to her place. She was very embarrased, but she loved him and didn't want to keep anything from him, so she told him that she really had no house, and that she was living on a big lot which was almost empty. But he already knew.
He wanted to wait for her to tell him, he said, he wanted to know if Zoe trusted him. And she did. So they took a taxi and drove to her "house".
Jonathan didn't look very surprised, which made her think that he had already seen it. But she didn't care, because suddenly he was kissing her, and hugging her. Unfortunately, he stopped before she had wanted.
"I want to live with you" he said, putting his forehead against her's. She didn't know what to say. She loved him, and was sure that she wanted to spend her life with him, but, for that reason, she didn't want to make him live in such a horrible place. "I don't care about where we live" he answered after she had told him what she was thinking "I just wanna be with you". And Zoe, being so romantic as she was, said yes, without even thinking about the consequences.

And there they were. A couple of walls and some furniture made for a perfect house. At least, that's what Zoe thought. She now had a full kitchen, a dining table, and a bed. As soon as she got in, she jumped into her bed, and fell asleep, without even caring about her boyfriend, who couldn't help but laugh at her. He decided to go to the grocery store, since they very low on groceries.

The next day, Jonathan headed to the library, ready to find himself the job of his dreams. He was now a scientist, but was certain that that was not what he wanted to do. He got to the closest computer and started searching for jobs as a magician. Since he was a little boy, he had loved magic, but her parents had taken the idea of being a magician out of his mind. When he moved to Storybrook County, he had had the idea of pursuing his dreams, but he soon found a very well paid job as a scientist, so he left his wish behind.
But he was decided to change the course of his life. He was going to be happy, and make Zoe happy.

So handsome with his suit
He then spent the day meeting new people and getting reunited with his acquaintances. Zoe, while he was gone, went to the festival grounds and met some new people. She hadn't been focusing on her job recently, but that had to change. She had to get promotions soon, so that her house could be upgraded and, possibly, add a new room so that another person could fit in the house. But it was yet too soon to be thinking aboout children. She wanted to get married first, and get a little bit more money.
At night, when Jonathan returned home, Zoe was already sleeping. He had wanted to tell her about his new job and the new people he had met, but he wouldn't wake her up. He understood that she had been sleeping poorly for a long time, and that she would need some time before feeling well again.
He was going to go to bed himself, but something outside the window surprised him. It was an alien.

He had never believed in any supernatural creatures, but had notice some strange people around town. He was ready to go salute the alien, but she was suddenly gone. Since he wasn't feeling tired, he decided to practice some of his tricks. Wearing a suit, of course.

The next morning, while Zoe was working, Jonathan went to the gym, knowing that some people would be there. He wanted to play for tips, and start winning some money. He ended up earning nineteen simoleons, which was not so bad for his first day.
Then, he practised his favourite trick to the people that had given him tips. They looked pretty impressed, and Jonathan was also proud that he didnt screw up anything.

It seemed like everything was starting to get better. Jonathan was sure that their lives would be the ones they had dreamed.
Of course, the destiny also had some tricks ready for the happy couple


Some questions that I need to ask. Firstly, I would like to get a stage name for Jonathan, since I'm terrible at them. Also, when they get a little bit more money, I would love to give them a pet, so I want to know what type of pet you would like them to get, and what I should name it. And finally, just wanted to let you know that I've been experiencing some glitches, so it might take me longer to update. Sorry :(
Thanks guys <3

2 comentarios:

  1. Haha - Jonathon is hilarious in his suit all the time - his dry cleaning bill must be enormous!

    Its sweet that he is so certain about Zoe but also strong enough to follow his dream. He'll make a good dad I think :)

    For a stage name I normally do a twist on one I've heard before - makes it a less daunting task for example Geronimo instead of Dynamo. Perhaps something like Enigma? Or I just use something silly to make the reviews funnier. I once named a sim Nobody for that reason.

    "Congratulations, Nobody has been promoted".

    I'd choose a cat - they have less annoying traits in my opinion - they don't get spooked so easily. An I like pets with quite formal names so I'd name it something like Napoleon, Harvard or Colonel Fluffy :p

  2. Yeah, I'll have to change his suit one day, so that I don't get bored of seeing it so much :)
    I know that the stage name isn't really important, but it happens the same with pets, I can never think of appropriate names, which is desperating sometimes.
    And thanks for the idea for the pet. In real life, I actually prefer dogs, but on the sims, they end up being very boring.
    Hope you keep reading <3
