
Zoe loved her father, so when he asked her for some money to invest on a safe and lucrative project, she gave him the money that he needed without a doubt.
Some weeks later, her father returned home totally drunk. He told her that he had lost all of her money and that they were ruined. Zoe soon found herself taking care of her alcoholic father, and forgetting about her political studies.
Some years later, she decided to start a new life. She had had enough. She left some money that, despite her wantings, her father would spend on whiskey, and moved to the town of Storybrook County.
Since she didn't have enough money to purchase a house, she only bought a property. The piece of land that she was decided to turn into the house of her dreams. She was gonna be the mayor, she would get married, have beautiful babies and stop worrying about her father. Her life was gonna be perfect.


sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Chapter 1.2: Friendships and a beautiful Bed&Breakfast

After a really rainy night, Zoe woke up feeling completely wet, and kinda sick. She thought about calling her boss and telling her she could not work, but she ended up not doing so. She had just got that new job, and she did not want to make anyone upset.

 She checked her mailbox, and discovered that she already had bills to pay. She didn't have a lot of money, and having to pay those bills made her even more miserable. She had only been living in Storybrook County for a couple of days, so she knew that she really couldn't have got a lot of cash, but she had expected a little more. She was just hoping that her luck would change soon.

Before heading to work, Zoe decided to check her online dating profile at the library, so after taking a quick shower and having some breakfast, she headed there, always with the hope of finding someone interesting.
And she did.
Just after checking her messages and accepting some guys as friends, she recognized someone who she had just accepted on her online dating profile: Jonathan Gilbert.

Since she saw him on the online dating site, she had thought that he was a really handsome boy, and she also really loved her traits (Eccentric, Heavy Sleeper, Hopeless Romantic, Neat and Handy), so she had absolutely no problem in starting to talk to him. They got along really well, and quickly became friends.

She definitely looks happy
Unfortunately, she had to go to work, but they gave each other their phone numbers, and promised to hang out as soon as possible.
A few hours later, Zoe got out of work, seeming extremely happy: she had earned her first promotion. She was now a Ballot Counter, and earned a little bit more money.

She was so happy that she decided to invite Jonathan out. But she was new in town, so she didn't know many places to go. She ended up letting him choose the place. He gave her the adress, and she quickly took a taxi, excited to see the place that her new friend had chosen.
When she got there, she found out where he had taken her. It was a Bed&Breakfast. Even though her first thoughts weren't very positive, the charming look of the place made her feel more comfortable.

Have I already said how much I love Storybrook County?

Jonathan arrived soon, and they had a lovely day out. They tried taking something from the bar (even though the barman was glitched and I couldn't do anything with her), thay talked a lot and discovered all the beautiful services that that charming place had to offer.

Before they knew, the sun had set, so after stopping at the bistro for dinner, they said goodbye and each of them went home. 

The image doesn't really correspond, but I just wanted to show her formalwear

Zoe was so tired that she quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, she woke up a little late, so she had to take a quick shower. When she got out, though, she found out that the shower was broken. The day couldn't start worse.

Still, she was happy, and she was decided not to let anyone upset her. She decided that she would fix the shower herself when she got home. She wanted to feel positive that day. Her life was starting to get better.


Second chapter completed! I just wanted to thank you all for the feedback, you guys are really amazing.
Also, I wanted to get your opinion on Jonathan. I really like him and his traits are also really good. Yet, if you have any other guys, please tell me. I'd like to consider every oportunity.
Finally, I would like to know how often you would like to have chapters published (if it's possible, of course). I don't want to make you wait for ever, but I don't want to have to write every single day, since I also have other things to do.
Thanks again, guys <3

6 comentarios:

  1. Jonathon seems sweet, and if your simmies like each other, let them be together. It is /your/ legacy after all. Run wild with it and run wild with your writing!
    And with the when to write thing, just do it whenever you can. I usually do one on Saturday, maybe one on Sunday and one during the week, so about-ish two to three a week (Sometimes more if I have more time on my hands). But just blog when you can :)

    1. I love Jonathan too, and I think he will be the one, even though there are some really good guys in Storybrook County.
      Two or three times a week seems appropriate, but I don't know if I will always be able to accomplish it, since I have a lot of exams coming.
      Hope you keep reading <3

  2. I love that Zoe checked her dating profile before work even though she was cold and sick.
    I agree that Jonathan seems sweet. If Zoe likes him, why not?

    1. Yeah, Zoe is determined, and she might feel awful, but she will always do what she has to do.
      I really believe Zoe loves Jonathan. Just look at the photo of them hugging :)
      Hope you keep reading <3

  3. Hiya,

    I just started a legacy too - I'm really enjoying yours so far! Jonathon is a cutie doesn't look like there's any wacko genetics in there to make you babies look like aliens!

    I love this early stage though its super stressful when things break - keep up the good blogging (I'm aiming for 3/4 updates a week)

    R x

    1. Hi, and thanks for taking your time. I agree with you, I really love Jonathan. And things are getting very interesting in the next chapter.
      Yeah, this first days are really complicated, but that's what make them so much fun.
      About the updates, I wish I could upload a lot, but I don't know if I'll be able, since I'm on my last year of high school, and have a lot of exams.
      Hope you keep reading <3
